5 Yoga Poses to Destress

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! And sometimes the most stressful. These 5 yoga poses to destress are a great way to step aside for a few minutes and unwind, calm down and make sure it your holidays stay wonderful! Yoga has been proven to help with many health issues and stress management.

Yoga Poses to DestressDestress Yoga

Try holding each pose(or alternate between cat cow) for 20-30 seconds, breathing into them and focusing your mind on your body and how it feels rather than a million other things that you have going on. This will give you a small break from your day, or from whatever has been on your mind that you need a quick rest from. Repeat the sequence twice and it still only takes 5 minutes!


If you’re looking for more easy and effective yoga try some of these!
Cure Tight Hips With Yoga
Chest and Shoulder Opening Yoga
Yoga Toners