Easy Delicious Baked Garlic Salmon

This entree is amazing because it is so good for you and takes no time at all! This super food is a great because it is packed with protein, omega 3’s, vitamins and minerals! I could go on and on about the benefits of salmon but I’ll cut to the recipe. It’s so simple, all you need is:

Salmon (I use the frozen ones from Sam’s Club. They’re a great alternative to buying it fresh every time)
1 tbsp Olive Oil
1/2 tsp Garlic salt
1/2 tspGarlic Powder
A tiny bit of Onion Powder
The salmon can be marinated in this mixture or cooked right after rubbing it on. It is cooked at 350 degrees for 7-11 mins depending on how cooked you prefer it.
*recipe is for a single serving
