Eating in and cooking your own meals can make a huge difference in eating well! I know when I eat the majority of my meals at home I feel better, have better digestion and have more energy! Eating out is great and a fun part of life but we don’t always know how they cook things or what they put on it; and since their main goal is to get you to come back they usually aren’t thinking about your health.
That’s where a good old grocery haul comes in. When you have the kinds of foods you want to eat to nourish your body in your home, you’re more likely to eat them. Here are some of my staples from this week!
I use these things for giant salads, instant pot chicken and potatoes, roast, steamed veggies and smoothies just to name a few!
Things I forgot to mention:
Lemons: I use these mainly for salad dressing! I do lemon, salt & pepper!
Enjoy Life dark chocolate chips: I mainly snack on these and use them in these Chocolate Chip Granola Bar Bites.
I hope this was helpful to you!! Healthy eating was my biggest challenge and I’m definitely not perfect with it! The good news is that we don’t have to be perfect to make progress! Start with some small step for you and as you adjust to that, add another!
You got this!
Sweat, Smile, Repeat!