Healthy Hot Chickens

I don’t know why it’s taken this recipe so long to show up on the blog! It’s a big favorite of mine and my fiancé and it’s so simple that we can both feel like a master chef while making it! 😀

One of the reasons I LOVE this recipe (besides the deliciousness)  is the lack of salt or sugar. I already get quite enough salt in my diet through my obsession with making home fries and since the spices are self mixed there isn’t any salt or sugar  involved (you’d be surprised how often this shows up in your pre mixed spice blends). Anyway, I like to keep my posts short so here’s how to make them:

What You’ll Need:20160307_142231

Measurements will vary here based on how much chicken you’re making. I honestly don’t measure when I make these but here’s an estimate to start from and adjust to your taste! (on a side note, I’m not sure why I brought out 2 chili powders)

1 Tbsp Garlic Powder

1 tsp Cayenne Pepper

1/2 tsp Pepper

1 tsp Chili Powder

1/2 tsp Paprika

Hot Sauce to taste (check for weird ingredients)

1/8 tsp Coconut Oil

Chicken (thawed works wayyy better)

What to Do:20160307_142318

-Mix your spices! The overall mix has more garlic powder than anything else but should be a reddish color when mixed together because pretty much everything else added is red.

-Heat a pan on low while cutting up your chicken into small chunks.
-Drop a tiny amount of coconut oil in the pan – I’m talking like 1/8 of a teaspoon here! (If you use completely unrefined coconut oil it will have a slight coconut taste)

-Sprinkle some of your spice mix onto your chicken before adding it to the pan and turn the heat up to medium.20160307_142409

-Put enough chicken chunks in (spiced side down) to fill the bottom of the pan but not overlap. Then sprinkle spice mix on the other side. Flip the chicken chunks over when they’re about half cooked (they’ll start to turn from pink to white gradually).

-Leave them in the pan a few more minutes until cooked all the way through. If you’re worried about them being finished cooking, check by breaking one of the bigger pieces in half and seeing if it’s all the way done.

-Dump into a container or bowl and add hot sauce. Mix around (or add a lid and shake) in the hot sauce until all the chicken is covered in a light layer (be sure to check your hot sauce for crazy ingredients here. The one shown is like 90 cents at Walmart and has no preservatives or added sugar).20160307_143917

-And you’re done! You’ve cheffed up some healthy and delicious hot chickens! I usually eat them in salad but they’re great on their own too. If you try them in something else let me know, I’d love to hear your awesome ideas!
