HIIT Cardio Fat Burn

Welcome back to another exciting workout! It’s a weighted HIIT that will get your heart rate going and work your whole body! Soo let’s get it done!

You don’t need super heavy weights here, I’m using 10’s. The weights are just going to add to the intensity and help to really get your heart rate going. Honestly, if you don’t have weights grab some canned food or water bottles and go for it! I have little plate weights here because I don’t have 10 lb dumbbells. Use what you have and get it done!

Every time you’re here and putting in the work, you’re getting closer to your goals! Remember that! Allow yourself to soak in these daily victories, give yourself a little congrats for being consistent and committed, or for starting! Alight, time to sweat! You got this!

Sweat, Smile, Repeat!


45 seconds work: 10 seconds rest x 4

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22 Minute HIIT Cardio Fat Burn